November 13, 2011

What a weekend!

This weekend was crazy! Fun, but crazy. The Bendels were so busy.
Of course I was running around frantically trying to complete my checklist.
Our girl ended up spending a good portion of --- night in the emergency room after a swallowed penny scare. No worries- no such penny showed up on the multiple x-rays.

This photo was taken shortly after our arrival at the hospital, around 2:30 am. I think we finally got home around 4:45, and to be honest- I don't even remember laying back down.
I was so tired Friday, but that checklist was staring at me. I hit the ground running at 7:30 and didn't stop until around midnight. Saturday was even more hectic but with the help of a very sweet friend I was able to get it all done. Thanks Dana!
She came over Saturday morning and helped me, then when it came time for me to go set up- she took our girls back to her house. She's a life saver that one!

Aren't they precious in their little car seats together?? I love it!

Happily only 1 task was ignored. {the diaper cake tutorial}
The shower went on without a hitch.
The mommy and daddy-to-be scored tons of fabulous loot. Including a gift basket from us; which consisted of handmade burp clothes and onesies, a piggy bank, a lullaby cd, and a stuffed frog and elephant.

Here are a few pictures from the shower:

Lindsay and Brandon seemed to be very pleased with everything and loved everything they got.

After the shower it was time for some quick clean up. Olivia and I were super excited about our play date/ slumber party with Dana and Adley. The girls {for the most part} play so well together. I love watching them interact. Olivia is definitely the aggressive one. Adley's much more laid back.

They have a blast together and I'm so glad that Olivia has a friend that she's getting close to.

Sunday has been a lazy one for us. I ate a lot of left overs and was a complete slob and took a 2 hour nap with Olivia. I.HAVE.NEVER.DONE.THAT. Even when she was a baby. It was nice.

We have many things to be thankful for this weekend- family, friends, new babies..
God is good friends.

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