May 14, 2012

Happiness is...

..talking about our favorite colors. And the favorite colors of everyone we know.
..planning for our Florida trip later this summer.
..early morning send offs with Daddy. Love watching our little girl give her Daddy his bye-bye's.
..Remembering to set the coffee maker last night so I was able to greet Chance with coffee this morning. Always makes me look like a rock star- even if my hair is sticking straight up and I have eyeliner smeared clear to my cheek bones.
..spontaneous prayers with Olivia. And her saying 'Good Job' after every prayer.
..getting the same amount of kisses this morning from Olivia as I did yesterday. Reminds me that her love is unconditional and doesn't care what day it is.
..Liv's hair is growing so fast- it's almost to her shoulder blades now. With just the right amount of curl. Seriously, so cute.
..planning a day trip to a splash park with our best friends.
..Charlotte's Web.
..our pool being almost ready. Getting excited!
..Livi's little voice singing along with her music. Be still my heart.
..being able to see past the day to day stresses of adult life to see joy. So grateful for the blessings in our lives. So grateful.

What are you grateful for today?

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