September 15, 2011

Happy Anniversary

Happy 4th anniversary love bug.
Wow- 4 YEARS.

I'm so glad you listened to me when I told you we should get married.
Just kidding. Kind of.

Truly, I am so blessed to have you. We have made it through some pretty hard times, and we're happier than ever. I'm so thankful to God that he lead my heart to yours. 
I love you Chance Robert. Thank you for loving me back.

September 10, 2011

2,000 Days.

March 20, 2006.
The day that changed my world.
2,000 days ago this boy asked me on a date.

 {This was his facebook picture then- and it still is to this day.}

The date lasted 2 days.
I knew then.
He took a little convincing.
A year later {almost to the day} we were engaged.
And 6 months after that we were married.
God is good.